After a lifetime of waiting I finally managed to visit one of the cities that I most wanted to visit in the world: New York.
New York turned out to be, for what I expected, a fantastic city, huge but at the same time livable for everyone.
A city that always chases time, that never stops, but that knows how to give you different and completely opposite scenarios, simply by passing from one street to another.
The neighborhoods are so many and so heterogeneous that it is hard to think that it is always the same city.
During my stay in New York I had the pleasure of sharing a beautiful afternoon with Julia & Lorenzo who lent themselves for this Engagement shooting on the beautiful Brooklyn Bridge, on a very cold day.

Wedding photographer in New York
The scenario for someone like me who comes from our beautiful Italy is completely different, you are always looking up at huge skyscrapers that seem to go on forever.
But just a stone’s throw from the center is the Brooklyn bridge, perhaps one of the most famous bridges in the world.
During the engagement shooting the sunset wasn’t who knows what, unfortunately, due to the clouds, but I’m still very happy and satisfied with the color that he impressed in the photos, a slightly cold tone, just like New York is.
Engagement Photography in New York
Julia and Lorenzo are two boys both of Italian origin, he in all respects, she in half, and it was very beautiful and fascinating for me to know their story, to understand the reason for this life choice, but above all to live for a few now the essence of a true love like theirs.

I carry a beautiful memory of this beautiful experience, in the hope of being able to visit the “Big Apple” again soon, perhaps to document a beautiful wedding.
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